I first found out about the Liebster award through seeing some of my blogger friends receive it. I thought, "Wow, that is so awesome for them! What an incredible goal for me to work towards!" Then IT HAPPENED. I was nominated for this award by an incredible blogger and one of my newest blogging buddies, Cierra! Thank you so much to her for thinking so highly of me to nominate me for this along with some wonderful other ladies!
Before I jump into answering all the fun questions that come with this nomination, let me give a short background sesh on the what this actually is. The Liebster is an award given to bloggers by other bloggers. It is an opportunity to shine light on newer bloggers and welcome them into the blogging world! I love the blog community because everyone is so eager to help each other out and spread the word for blogs they love. Upon receiving this award, I now get to nominate other bloggers who I feel like deserve this awesome opportunity!
Q & A:
What inspired you to become a blogger?
Right before I graduated from college, I had all of these emotions and feelings that I wanted to get out. I thought a blog would be a great way for me to kind of "journal" my thoughts and then look back on them down the road.
Why do you blog about what you blog about?
I really have no idea what I am even blogging about, in other words, what is my main thought on the blog. I just write things that I would enjoy reading.
How long have you been blogging?
I wrote my first blog post almost eight months ago, however, I really didn't take it seriously until this summer.
What is your background?
I've lived in south eastern Virginia my entire life. I couldn't imagine life anywhere else, which explains why I opted to attend college in my hometown and not go away. Writing has always been a passion of mine. As a young teen, I used to write novels and read them over and over versus published books.
Is blogging your full-time job?
Right now, blogging is something I purely do for fun. Eventually, I'd love to expand out and work with companies and draw some sort of revenue from blogging.
What makes you keep blogging?
When I first started, I was lucky to get 12 views a month. (shoutout to boyfriend for more than likely making up those 12 views!) But I kept with it because it was something I enjoyed. I wanted to see how far I could take this and where it would take me.
Dream vacation?
Tropical vacation... take me now!
Biggest inspiration?
My mom is by far my biggest inspiration. She is everything I wish to become.
Best & worst blogging decision?
Best: getting social with my blog, creating social media accounts for my blog, joining Blogger Buddies, and connecting with other bloggers.
Worst: not being consistent when I first started blogging.
Would you ever consider rebranding?
I am SUCH a creature of habit and comfort but there's some things that I will tweak and change and work on until they are perfect. I could easily see myself rebranding in the future when I nail down my main idea of the blog. Right now, The Classic Alumna pretty much sums me up!
Thank you so much for the nomination! My post will be going up in the next few days. Congrats to you as well!
Thank you so much for the nomination! My post will be going up in the next few days. Congrats to you as well!